Meet Ruger
Ruger wasn't on this earth or in my life for nearly as long as he should have been, but he was my absolute love and the most important thing in my world. I miss him every single day.
In true rescue story fashion, Ruger had a really tough go before I adopted him, but still the sweetest, most trusting boy. He came to me with barely any teeth left, likely from chewing on rocks to survive, and full of scars, both physical and hidden. Despite what he went through, he loved all people, dogs, and cats. So silly, and the most gentle, but my best friend and protector. Ruger was a Pit Bull/Mastiff mix, but mostly just a 105 lb lap dog full of drool.
I adopted Ruger from the Lompoc shelter in California - A small city on the Central Coast in Santa Barbara County. That afternoon, I went with some coworkers to an adoption-themed street fair/farmer's market. I had been thinking about adopting, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. When we arrived at the event, I purposely sat on the ground just outside the gate where the pups would walk out.
Out came a giant, dirty, scarred, and scabbed drooly boy with a tail that will kill you going 100 mph. He walked right over to me and licked the side of my face. The rest is history.
Ruger was a beach lover, a 1st place award winner, a Lakers fan, and could have taken the Gold for record toy-destroying time. He loved the outdoors and had the best smile. Ruger melted the heart of every member on the Ruger’s Rescues team; he especially loved his aunties.
In January 2019, we were out running errands, and when we got back home, he couldn't get out of the car. His back legs weren't working, but he didn't seem to be in any pain. A hysterical rush to the ER led to 3 heart taps that night, as blood was pooling around that big heart of his. Shortly thereafter, he was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma.
For those that don't know, hemangiosarcoma is cancer of the blood vessels and the number one taker of our pups. It's just about 100% fatal.
10 days after his diagnosis, the night of his first chemotherapy treatment, and 10 days before his 7th birthday, my boy crossed the Rainbow Bridge. His heart couldn't take all the love he had to give.
Every time I see a rainbow, I know he's stopping by to check on me and say hi 💛